Adam Calderon

Adam Calderon

Ph.D. student

The Pennsylvania State University

Adam Calderon is a second-year Ph.D. student in clinical psychology at The Pennsylvania State University. His research is focused on better understanding the dynamic relationship between anxiety and mood disorders, with a particular interest in psychometrics, computational modeling, and formalized psychological theory.

Adam was a Fulbright Fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, an APA Psychology Fellow at the United Nations, and a current Bunton-Waller Scholar at Penn State. Adam received a B.S. in behavioral neuroscience at Quinnipiac University and an M.A. in Psychology in Education at Columbia University.

Download my CV.

  • anxiety & depression
  • computational psychiatry
  • dynamical systems theory
  • network science
  • philosophy of science
  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, expected 2028

    The Pennsylvania State University

  • M.A. in Psychology in Education, 2020

    Columbia University

  • B.S. in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2017

    Quinnipiac University
